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Why Did ARKET Stop Shipping to the US?

ARKET is a Nordic brand that’s known for its simplicity and minimalism. It sells a range of products from womenswear to menswear, kid’s clothing, and homeware. Recently, it’s stopped shipping to the US, leaving American lovers of the brand high and dry. Despite having shipping options to other international areas, the US is not part of that. 

Some potential reasons why ARKET stopped shipping to the US are shipping costs, challenges regarding logistics, and strategic business decisions that benefit the company. In the following sections, we’ll explore ARKET in more detail and find solutions to ensure all customers can enjoy the perks of shipping. Let’s get into it. 

What is ARKET? 

ARKET sells a wide range of products that cover everything from clothes to homeware items. The company was launched in 2017 as a part of H&M. It’s all about key, trusty items everyone needs in their wardrobe. 

The company is based in Södermalm in Stockholm, Sweden. It has over 200 people working there and covering all bases, according to its website. The company’s values lie in the inspiration of nature, simplicity, and the “aesthetics of slow living”. It’s also focused on sustainable and durable clothing, emphasizing the use of organic materials for their products. Even though ARKET no longer ships to the US, there are still ways you can get around this issue and buy clothes. 

How to Buy ARKET Clothes in the US?

Are you a US customer who’s feeling like you’re missing out? Without shipping to the US, it’s hard to enjoy the browsing and shopping experience on ARKET. Luckily, some parcel forwarding services are designed to provide a convenient solution to help overcome these problems! 

Atvido is your knight in shining armor when it comes to shipping. The company is designed to streamline the process and ensure all US customers get the products they deserve. How does it work? Like this:

  1. First, find the product that you want to buy on the ARKET website. 
  2. Sign up to the Atvido website once you’ve found the item you want.
  3. Then, you’ll receive a UK and DE email address to use on the ARKET website. This address means that you can shop like a local without worrying about the lack of shipping options! You can also save up to 80% of shipping costs this way! 
  4. Atvido will then ship the items to you! Tell them how you want your product to be shipped, and they’ll sort out the rest. 
  5. Finally, you’ll receive your ARKET items at your door, thanks to Atvido’s help. 

It really is as easy as that! Ativdo caters to these kinds of situations, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. While you might have questions about cost and efficiency, Atvido is an expert in the industry and works efficiently to ensure you receive the smoothest process possible. 

How Much Will It Cost to Get Products from ARKET to the US?

How much getting products from ARKET to the US is depends on the method you choose to go down. Sometimes, US customers use Amazon UK to get their products from ARKET. The prices for shipping are as follows:

AmazonGlobal Standard (nine to 12 days): 

  • All categories – £3.99 per kg + £3.99 per delivery 

AmazonGlobal Expedited (five to nine days): 

  • All categories – £4.49 per kg + £5.99 per delivery

AmazonGlobal Priority (two to four days): 

  • All categories – £4.99 per kg + £7.99 per delivery

For Atvido, you can calculate the shipping price here to work out how much it’ll cost you.  With Atvido, you can actually save up to 80% off shipping fees and enjoy shopping like a local. So, it’s definitely worth it overall! It all comes down to the type of product you’re buying and the size and weight of the parcel. 

Does Atvido Offer a Return Option for Orders From ARKET?

Thankfully, Ativdo offers a return option for orders from ARKET free of charge! This means that no matter where your items are delivered to, you can send them back without paying the company. ARKET’s returns policy explains that you have 30 days to send your items back for a full refund; they just need to be in their original condition.  

Will ARKET Ship to the USA in the Future?

Despite ARKET not shipping to the US currently, there is hope for the future. Many fashion enthusiasts and loyal shoppers in the US wonder when, or if, this will be the case one day. Some factors that ARKET would need to consider are:

  • Market demand. How many people in the US would want products shipped to them? ARKET will need to consider the demand for products and shipping requirements in the US before making it an option. 
  • Expansion plans. If the company plans to expand, ARKET will likely aim to ship its products to the US. This would mean they’re catering to a wider audience, making it more worthwhile to endure the shipping costs. 
  • The logistics. Shipping items to the US from Sweden will require some serious planning when it comes to logistics. The company will have to think about shipping costs, customs, potential issues, or regulatory requirements. 
  • The competition in the US. For businesses, assessing the competitive landscape is vital when considering shipping to the US. They’ll have to look at customer requirements, the surrounding market, and any trends they need to be aware of.

Overall, it’s clear that some careful consideration is required before ARKET considers shipping to the US again. There are plenty of other countries experiencing this lack of shipping opportunities, and they have no choice but to rely on companies to help them out!

Has ARKET Stopped Shipping to Other Countries As Well?

Over time, ARKET might have altered its shipping policies, leaving some countries out. Apart from the US, here are some places that the company doesn’t ship to:

  • Egypt 
  • Ukraine
  • China
  • Brazil 
  • Colombia 
  • Cyprus 
  • Greece 
  • India 
  • Philippines
  • Sri Lanka 
  • Spain 

Despite these countries lacking shipping options directly with ARKET, Atvido can help ship items from the website. Not only will you receive up to 80% off the delivery cost, it’s free and super easy to make an account. Once you’ve found the product you’d like, Atvido will deliver it to your doorstep just like that! Sign up and make an account today, and get your ARKET products to your US home.