Yves Saint Laurent Libre


61,99 €

Yves Saint Laurent Libre is a luxurious and sophisticated fragrance that exudes a sense of freedom and confidence, with its blend of high-quality ingredients including lavender, orange blossom, and musk.

How to buy this perfume?

Sign up on the Atvyko.lt platform

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In the Flaconi.de e-shop, specify the address of our German warehouse

In the electronic store, please indicate the Atvido shopping address provided to you as the delivery address.

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Delivery to Latvia – 7.50 eur.

More information can be found here

How does it work?

Get a UK and DE address

Get a UK and DE address

SHOP online in any UK or Germany shops and use our address as your delivery address.

We receive your parcel

We receive your parcel

We will accept and assign the shipment to your account

We ship to you

We ship to you

We will deliver the package to your home. We ship to over 200 countries.

Get your UK package tax-free

Until December 31, there are no import taxes on all shipments from the UK to the EU sent by Royal Mail.