Get your shipping costs
Enter the package information and find out how much it will cost to deliver the package to your door
Shop multiple brands
Shipping single packages can be costly, especially when you want to buy from different brands like Amazon, Apple, Ebay, Carter’s, and many more. Our Atvido experts will combine your packages into one so you can save on shipping prices.
Consolidate as many as you want and SAVE
Once we’ve receive your packages in our facility, you can choose the ones that you want to be combined, and we will do the rest. Our experts will take items out from their outer box or original box; whichever you want, in order to reduce the size and weight.
One package with all of your purchases. We'll ship it to you as fast and quickly as we can so that you get the best service possible!
Clear and Honest Pricing
Shipping rates:
Shipping rates shown include our handling fee, Carrier surcharges and supplement and fuel duty. The price you see is the price you’ll pay us when you order ships. Please note that rates are based on our measurements when we have received the package, and exclude local taxes and custom duties.
Consolidated shipping
We charge a consolidated shipping fee of GBP 1.99 for each consolidated parcel.
Free returns
We provide free returns to UK and Germany sellers for packages weighing up to 31 kg and up to a maximum size of 61 x 44 x 37 cm. Only natural persons are eligible for free returns.